Monday, September 21, 2009


21 Sept, 2009- As usual, i will give baby Khemaka a biscuit for him to sit down quietly in his chair. He will chew the biscuit with his 6 tooth slowly. Usually, he couldn't finish the whole biscuit. After tire chewing it, he will throw it away even though i ask him give me that unfinished biscuit. Naughty

But, today he threw his biscuit accidentally under the sofa and he gave me sign to take it for him. So, i asked him " where is your biscuit?", he crawled down and turned his face looking at that sofa and with his hand put under sofa. Wow.. he can understand my question and showed me where the biscuit was. Surprise!

:-) Baby always give surprise to us huh....

Khemaka Chen

When i introduced my baby to my friends, 1st question asked is Khemaka-japanese name? Nope. Khemaka is a name in Sanskrit (Pali) language. i called it Buddhist name. Instead of given English name to him, we decided to give my baby a Buddhist name. But we didn't put Khemaka in his birth cert because we want to give him freedom to choose his own religion when he grow up.

Khemaka is mean peaceful and Security in Pali language. The Bhante (monk) gave this name hope that my baby can bring peace to this world :-)

Sadhu..Sadhu.. Sadhu...

Sunday, September 20, 2009


20 Sept,2009.-Khemaka今天好开心。已经有5天没去外婆的家,外婆家就是他的另一间家,每一天我要上班前,就会载他去我妈妈的家,妈妈(他的外婆)就是他的外婆兼保姆。今天我的大弟驾车来载我和Khemaka去我妈妈家玩,虽然妈妈,爸爸还在泰国吉祥岛,可是这孩子还是很开心,因为他可以跟他的舅舅和我的狼狗玩,或许他待在我们的家太久了,去哪儿都开心。


Saturday, September 19, 2009

1st day for Flash Card tuition class

19 Sept, 2009- Khemaka attended his 1st day Flash Card tuition class today. I drove along the way to Penang island just to let him attend this class.

There are a lot people asked me why i let baby Khemaka attended tuition class so early? Instead, he is just a 9 months old baby. They thought i am a kiahsu mother.

I was told by professionals that the best learning stage of child is during 0 month old to 3 yrs old. During this time, their brain absorption is the best in this stage. I tried to teach him the flash cards when i brought him back from hospital but he couldn't pay attention. I gave up teaching him after trying for two months which was after i started back to work after 2 months confinement leaves.

I tried to look for a tuition class for flash card but couldn't find one till last three weeks ago i met a friend and she told me about this class. It could be a little bit late to start the class since he is 9 months old, but i think better than nothing right?!

His teacher is nice. She teached him 5 types of cards today-chinese/english/malay/dot/shape. Her hand is very smooth in flashing the cards. Baby Khemaka was no patient, he started move around after 15 min. His teacher tried to attract him back by showing the card in front of him. End up, the class finished earlier.. haha.. (this tuition class not cheap lo..)

How to train baby to be more patient??

Friday, September 18, 2009

Baby Khemaka admitted to hospital on 7-13 Sept,2009

Baby Khemaka got fever. This fever very weird, when it came, the body temperature will rise up very fast in few minutes. Exp: when you check the temperature, it is normal, but 5 min later, the body temperature can become 38-39*C. It's really scared me.

Khemaka admitted to hospital from 7 Sept till 13 Sept 09. The 90% of the children admitted in this children ward had the same symptoms like Khemaka. Those who discharged averagely stay for 5 days. My baby Khemaka was given antibiotic for 5 days. When his fever was 38.5*C or above, he was given a capsule to insert inside his buttock. Everytime insert, he will cry. I guess must be very painful. Pity my baby... After inserted, the body temperature went down in half an hour. After about 6-7 hours, this fever attack again. It likes to attack at midnight when Khamaka was sleeping.

I remember 1st night admitted, it was midnight. Khemaka couldn't sleep and he was given a low dose sleeping syrup to make him sleep. I don't like that syrup because this syrup worked very fast. Before baby Khemaka could finish his milk and before he could grab his bolster, he falled a sleep already. Too fast till i worried about the side-effect. I told nurses that i don't want my baby to take this syrup again, i prefer sooth him to sleep. I was told that most children in the ward were given this syrup if they couldn't sleep.

Just wonder, is there any side effect of this sleeping syrup to baby only 8 months old???